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The Campus Ministers




Scott: It's hard for me to pinpoint the moment in my life when I truly accepted Christ's gift of justification through faith.  I grew up going to a church in Richmond, VA and was there basically any day it was open.  It wasn't until one summer when I attended summer camp that I realized that following Christ wasn't memorizing Bible verses, going to church, and not saying bad words.  I realized that following Christ was a wholehearted devotion to Him.  I didn't understand it all then, but He has been transforming me since. 


Chelsea: When I went to college I had never heard the words 'Jesus' and 'relationship' in the same sentence.  When I went to Virginia Tech, a high school friend guilted me into going to BCM.  It was there that a speaker challenged us to take the time of lent to give something up and pursue Jesus.  I gave up chocolate (duh) and decided to journal.  It was through that process that God met me and forever changed my life.  Who I was then is a stranger to who I am now in Christ.


Us: We knew each other in college, but didn't date until Scott was working in Northern Virginia and Chelsea was a Senior.  When things got more serious, Scott convinced Chelsea to live in Northern Virginia also, and they were engaged shortly thereafter.  During this time, God very clearly called us to ministry at ODU.  After much struggle, wondering how this could be so and if this was the right thing at the right time, God reminded us that we must seek first His kingdom and His righteousness and all these things (a good marriage, friends, money, etc.) will be given to you as well (Matthew 6:33).  God basically said - follow me and I will take care of you.  Now we are here and we couldn't be more grateful.



BCM Intern

Major: Nursing


Testimony: "I grew up in a Christian home, but I didn’t really have a relationship with Christ through most of my childhood and teenage years. I knew everything about Jesus, but I didn’t KNOW Him, you know?

​               There came a time in my life where I found myself caught in a downward spiral of sin and deception. Then, one perfectly bittersweet day, I found that the enjoyment I had once gotten from the world was gone, and the weight of all the mistakes I’ve ever made came crashing down on me. I fell on my knees before Christ and cried out to Him, and He heard me! Suddenly I knew what real joy and peace felt like! I fell in love with my Savior, and this love story will last forever…"


Vice President​

Major: Fashion Merchandising and Dance


​Testimony: "I guess I could start this testimony by telling you how I was raised in a Christian home and had a seemingly average life.  I was fortunate to have experienced the changing power of Christ at a very young age.  But I think all of my collected childhood experiences culminated when I headed off to Old Dominion University in the fall of 2011.  Coming into college I shopped around for something I could be apart of.  I was looking for good friends, a welcoming environment, something to do, a place I would fit in…

                 But my search didn't take long.  In the BCM I found an environment where we came together to simply question life and our purpose in it.  I was magnetized by this place and slowly I saw a drastic change in my life.  My priorities shifted as I fell head over heels in love with Jesus Christ in ways I hadn't known before.  Being apart of the BCM has taken my faith to a new level and brought me the most incredible, loving, and supportive friends and mentors I've known.  I went from a passive observer to an active leader really.  I truly know that with God, ALL things are possible and He’s definitely not finished with me yet as I explore the new adventures of leadership!  Now, my desire is to give people the same opportunities and experiences that I had through the BCM; to question, to deepen their relationship with God, and to feel connected with people around them."  



Public Relations Coordinator

Major: Public Relations


Testimony: "I had thought I was a Christian my entire life, but I really wasn't. There were some really dark years in my life where I grew far apart from God. There was a hole in my heart and I tried many, many ways to fill it up but nothing seemed to work. My boss would invite me to go to his church for weeks so I finally decided to go one day and that’s when everything changed. A few weeks later, I went to my first retreat where I, then, I accepted Christ as my savior. And then my life completely turned around. When I first started at ODU, I hated it. Then my advisor connected me with the BCM. Now I love this place, and the people; they are my family, my home away from home. As my relationship with God got stronger, everything just fell into place for the better. I can’t imagine life without Christ in it. Now I just want others to feel Jesus in their life as well. I just want their hearts to feel whole too."


Girls Bible Study Leader

Major: Human Services 


Testimony: "I have always had a fondness of singing worship songs and seeing friends every Sunday. That was what church meant to me, and it was not until I was nearly out of high school that I had a turning point. I started ‘feeling’ God. I began to discover God’s reality and experience His love and the freedom I find in Him.

I was very anxious about coming to college, but God offered me assurance that I need not worry because He has great plans for me. I trusted His promises and came to ODU seeking Him, which fatefully led me to the BCM. Little did I know the adventures that awaited me and the ways in which I would grow. And now I patiently wait as I continue to discover them alongside a great group of people in a great ministry serving a great God."



Outreach Coordinator

Major: Justice and Peace Studies



Testimony: "Falling in love with Jesus was the best thing I have ever-ever done." 

Although I grew up with a Christ centered foundation, I never really experienced God for myself or personally saw him work in my life until college. I have always been shy and I never talked to people-just didn't have much confidence. My freshman year I surrendered my life to Christ and what a relief it was to be weightless in his presence. God helped me find my voice and is showing me how to be a witness . Something has really changed on the inside of me.Its crazy to think that God can use me when he knows my struggles. I had to realize that he does not stumble what I stumble over, but because of it he can position me where I should be even when I am doubtful. Everyday he wakes me up with intent on his mind and because of that I am eager to be courageous when he puts something in me. I believe true ministry is not what you do but who you are everyday I am working on being a better person for Christ. God is so real regardless of how we feel, and he works in mysterious ways. This is merely the beginning; Where ever he leads me I plan to follow him.


Serving Coordinator

Major: Electrical Engineering


Testimony: "I’ve had the gift of knowledge all my life. Both my parents being strong Christians, I had no lack of biblical teaching and applicable biblical insight from my parents and Ashburn Presbyterian Church. I became a Christian at the age of 8 going through the book of Daniel with my father. For me the imagery used in Daniel was what brought me to a saving realization of Jesus Christ. Then God started moving into my heart.  The short story is that my family moved churches after 16 years at the same church and began going on missions trip at the same time. After much upheaval and tribulation in my life, I came out more connected to God than ever but mainly on missions trips, so my life was basically on a roller coaster ride of a Jesus high every summer and crashing into reality every fall. Currently God has called me to have that same Jesus high every single minute of every single day."

Merge Coordinator

Major: Undecided


Testimony: I was raised in the church; however, this does not mean I really understood what I was hearing. I think I actually “met” Jesus in high school. Growing up in church, I learned the basic moral structure and typical Bible stories, but I did not necessarily have a relationship with Jesus/God until I got older. In middle school, I think I thought I knew what I was talking about, but I really just wanted to walk the walk. Not until high school did I learn what it means to “pick up your cross daily” (not because I came in contact with lots of spiritual warfare, but because I understood the calling of being a believing, practicing Christian). However, like really anything, I am still learning what it means to “be a Christian,” or really a Christ-follower. 


Events Coordinator

Major: Speech Pathology

Minor: Special Education 


TestimonyLike many people I was born and raised in the church, and come from a strong Christian home.  Throughout my life I was always active in church and considered myself your average Christian.  When I came to college it was all about having fun and getting to be young while I had the chance; or at least that’s everyone told me.  I had a plan coming in: go to college, study hard, play harder, graduate, work, live, and make time for God whenever I had the chance.  After all, I had time to become a serious Christian when I was way older, right?  Well God had a different plan.  By my third year of college my life was not where I thought it would be and everything was falling apart.  All the older and wiser Christians that I know were telling me that God has a greater plan for my life and to trust in Him, but I had no idea what that meant for me. That’s when I came across the BCM.  It not only gave me the solid friend group that I’ve always wanted, but it has helped tremendously in my walk with Christ.  I came to realize that even though I’ve always believed in God and considered myself a Christian, I didn’t truly know Christ or have a relationship with Him until this past year.  I realized there was more to college than having fun and graduating with a high gpa.  I realized that I could make my short time at this school count for more than I ever dreamed of; not only for myself, but for others.  Honestly speaking, since putting my life in God’s hands, I have no idea where my life is going or what plans He has for me, but I know if I put my trust in Him, it’ll be better than I could ever expect.


Worship Leader

Major: Oceanography

Minor: Chemistry


Testimony: I was raised in a Christian household in King George, Virginia.  Although I grew up in a Christian household, I never really went to youth group or bible studies.  I did not fully understand what being a Christian meant until my freshman year of college.  It was at this point that I started to realize the importance of God, and began attending church to grow in my faith.  In doing so, I started to get more involved in the church.  I began running the sound system in 11th grade and then a couple years later I joined the worship band.  Music is a major part of my life and is a way for me to grow and connect with God and to reach out to others who need a savior.      


Men's Bible Study Leader

Major: Marine Biology 


Testimony: Growing up in a loving, Christian household, it seems natural that I too would embrace the faith of salvation through Jesus Christ.  In simple and childlike fashion, I asked to be placed in the “Lamb’s Book of Life” at the age of 7.  In the many years since then, I have had time to evaluate my faith in the context of life’s realities.  Tragedies befell some of the most devoted Christians I have ever seen, sin ensnared spiritual leaders I never thought could fall, and attacks on Christianity as an illogical proposition based on a quaint, outdated book constantly commanded my attention.  Through it all, God revealed Himself to be the one unshakable truth in my life.  I know I can trust God’s love and salvation because I can trust His Word – the Bible.  It is exciting to be with believers – like the great folks at the BCM! – who confess the same faith and seek to worship our God in all we do.

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